1. The Colony Surf
The owner's Story
- I just love Hawaii. We want to use it as a villa someday.
- I desire to be in Hawaii and be healed.
- I purchased it as capital and to diversify assets in dollars. I decided to rent out to an important acquaintance and also to a tourist.
- The scenery of the sea and Diamond Head is still the same. At the time of my purchase, Colony Surf was not that famous and had a selling point. The moment I saw this room, I knew that if I renovated it, it would be deal, so I suggested it.
- At first, I did not intend to lend it, but I spent 20 million yen to renovate it as myself and customers use it occasionally. As a result, operational utilization became 85%.
- I only stayed there once, but I was impressed to feel more energetic from Diamond Head rather than feeling refreshed and relaxed. I do my work to make my life worth staying here. In the current market, a room that was originally purchased at $1.6 million (yen?) (three years ago) is expected to be worth about $2.5 million (yen?). The reason for the success is that the owner gave a rough concept to a local artist whom he trusted but was also the renovator. This was a case where you could see the artist had complete creative control.